Best Wishes for the New Year 2006
LoveMom002 (13k image)
It's already been two years since we came back to Tokyo and Loui was born. But it's long enough for kids to have grown up to look totally different. For Misumi and Koji, maybe. Chichi will be joining with Mikio at Iguchi Elementary School to be a first-grader next spring.
Kids also give us a better chance to link up ourselves to the local community. Misumi has been joining in the bunko activities where kids are exposed to English books. Koji has become a member of Mitaka international friendship association which addresses the issue of inclusion of foreign residents in the local community.
In October, we have put up the first foreign visitors at home and enjoyed their stay overnight. In the year 2006, we are expecting another visitor from Chicago in June. It could be you the next time. You are always welcome.
Hope this finds you all well and the year 2006 will be another wonderful year for you all.

*The Image above is a new year card we have received from my mother, who has been long addicted to this kind of hand painting. She is 64 and has skills enough to maintain her own weblog where she could post the images of her products. We are prooud of her.

01.08.06 @ 08:03 PM JST [link]

Loui is now two.
LouiBirthday (20k image)
November 18 is Loui's birthday. He became two.
11.22.05 @ 09:38 PM JST [link]

Chi-chi has got a hair cut.
ChiChi05-11-13 (15k image)
On Sunday, November 13, Misumi took Chi-chi out to a hair cut for the first time in a year. Chi-chi seemed feeling it a bit difficult in eating and studying at table before with her long hair swinging in front of her. Now she looks much prettier than before. I hope she'll get a hair cut more frequently and keep herself look pretty.
11.14.05 @ 07:48 AM JST [link]

Greetings from Yamada Family
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We have just opened a new blog account to facilitate our communication with friends living around the world.

Posted here is the photo taken on the occasion of "Shichi-Go-San (7-5-3)" on November 5, 2005, at Kizuki Taisha Shrine in western Tokyo. We celebrate the third and seventh anniversaries for girls and the fifth anniversary for boys.

Chi-chi is the one who got celebrated this year. She got a nice kimono dress for this special event.

11.10.05 @ 09:02 AM JST [link]

Started blog. This time in English.
Hi, everyone.
Finally I have opened a new blog in English.
Hope this will facilitate our communication with old friends living around the world.
11.10.05 @ 08:56 AM JST [link] [965 Comments ]


Sanchai Weblog (Japanese)
